3 Weeks of Blog

August 5th, 2019

Moving right along

As the title suggests, this post marks the 3rd week straight of blog posts without missing a day! I've built some serious momentum with this blog, which should make it a lot easier when times get tough to persevere. I think the only person that reads this thing so far is my dad(Shout out to Triple-B!), which is just fine for now. In fact, after reading my post yesterday about my struggles with the Virtual Machine, my dad texted me this morning to offer me a Macbook Air that they weren't using! In a couple of weeks, they are coming down with my grandparents for my grandparents' first visit with my daughter, so I'll be an Apple convert very soon! I'll be honest: I'm a little nervous about learning how to use an Apple, and I'm sure there will be some loss of productivity for a few days. Once I get past the learning curve, the Macbook should prove to be incredibly useful. Also, when I do get a job in web development, I suspect Apple's OS will be the preferred operating system, so I can save myself the pain of learning it on the spot by doing it now.

I'm still hammering through this color palette project on Colt Steele's "The Modern React Bootcamp," slowly but surely making progress. I completed the 6th of 8 sections today, so I only have about 3 hours of coursework to do to complete this project! However, it's coming down to refactoring all of the components, which tends to take the longest. I expect those 3 hours of coursework will actually end up taking about 8 hours to complete. My goal was to finish this project by the end of my long weekend, which would be by the end of tomorrow. This will be difficult, but if I can make some good progress tonight on the 7th project before having to pass out, then I'll be set up pretty well to power through it tomorrow. I do have a lesson in the morning, but after that, I should be able to get a little work done and knock this bad boy out. It's shaping up to be an incredible project with a lot of really cool features; I'm excited to be able to add this to my repertoire of repositories!

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019