Brain Overload

January 30th, 2020

Does Not Compute

Today is my Friday, and it feels good to have a couple of days off ahead of me. Like last weekend, I'll be watching my daughter solo for the next couple of days, so we'll stay busy. Also like last weekend, I suspect I'll be taking advantage of her nap time to catch up on some sleep myself. The last couple of days at work weren't nearly as hectic as the first few of the week, while they were still busy. I had an hour and a half lesson today out on the golf course and we ran our weekly tournament for the Women's Golf Association, but these were both fairly manageable. In the lesson, I tested out my bad ankle to see what I could do with it as far as golf goes, and it turns out the answer is very little. I'm way too afraid to actually take a full swing yet, and I don't think that's even a good idea, but I did try to hit some chip shots with little success. In the golf swing, the proper move is to make a weight shift from your back foot to your front foot on almost all shots, except putting. Even on chipping, there is a slight weight shift, but much less so than in the full swing. When I attempt to do so, my brain decides that's not a good idea, and it stops my body from allowing it to happen. So, it will still be some time before I'm ready to go, but that's ok.


I actually have a bit of an interesting day tomorrow. About 2 weeks ago, I applied with a company that has a national presence, and deals specifically with placing people like me in positions that align with their skills. They contacted me and conducted a fairly vanilla phone screen, which I seemed to handle pretty well. They wanted to meet in person, so they set up a lunch that's scheduled for tomorrow. Certainly, there won't be anything too technical to deal with during the lunch, but I will have to be on top of my game and impress them with my people skills. Luckily, coming from a customer-oriented background, this is what I do best. The lunch is set in Tampa, where one of the bases is for the company. Over the phone screen, they asked me to name the 3 cities I would like to work in the most, and I named Raleigh, Austin, and Tampa. There's still a lot I need to understand about this company before moving forward, but this could end being a really good opportunity to find a great position in a city I want to live in. Ideally, I would like to work in Raleigh so I'm close to family, but if that's not an option, we are fairly open as to where we would live at this point. They main thing is that I find a good starting job in a place where I will be able to find work in the future, as well.


I got home early and was able to spend some time with the family. My daughter has a slight cold, but nothing too drastic. The teachers at her daycare thought it was pink eye yesterday, so we took her into the doctor to make sure, but it turns out it's nothing that extreme; just a common cold. We got a bite to eat, got her to bed, and then I got to work. The grind continues in Maximilian Schwarzmüller's React Native - The Practical Guide on Udemy. It seems that every day, this course becomes a little more difficult. We haven't introduced any new concepts for a little while, but we are spending some time practicing the ones we've gone over to this point. The main technologies we are practicing are React Navigation and Redux, but we are also getting a ton of practice with styling components in the unique way that React Native handles this. There are so many nuances to everything in React Native, and it's going to take me a lot of time to soak in all of this information. Time is something Max tends to neglect, as he scurries through material that is far advanced from the beginner level. I haven't moved this fast in any course I've taken, yet. We have written a ton of code in the 3 big projects so far, and this project we're working on now is going to be expansive. I'm about halfway done with it, and it's already bigger than I think my portfolio is. That may be a slight exaggeration, but it's close, and I think it will definitely end up larger.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019