Catch Up

January 23rd, 2020

So Sleepy

It's been a long week, but I finally made it through to the weekend. Right now, my schedule allows me to have off on Friday and Saturday, while working on Sundays, typically for the whole day. This tends to work out with my fiancé's schedule, allowing her to work on Fridays and Saturdays while taking Sundays off. This week, however, her job is a little busier than usual. Recently, she's only been working a few days per week, but this week, she's working 5 days, including Sunday. I have 2 different tournaments to take care of on Sunday, so I don't have the option of taking it off. This means that we have to hire a babysitter for Sunday, which ends up costing us about $20 an hour. We found a lady who is really great with our daughter and we really liked a couple weeks ago, so we'll end up using her, but if you do the math, it's not even really worth it for us to get a babysitter and both work, but that's just the way it goes. I'm off the next 2 days and will have some one-on-one time with my daughter. I definitely need to catch up on some rest, but I'm looking forward to hanging out with her.


Usually, when I don't have to work the next day, I try to study a little later than normal because I don't have to get up so early. Unfortunately, I don't think that will be an option tonight. I got about 2 solid hours of studying in, and fell asleep hard. I can typically tell when I'm about to fall asleep, but this came on very suddenly. About a half hour later, I realized I'd just missed a ton of content and was going to have to backtrack. I think I'm going to take this as a sign to make sure I get some extra sleep tonight. In fact, this has been happening all week, and I need to listen to my body. We started getting a lot busier at work this last week, and while the hours are pretty much the same as they've been, I'm working twice as hard as I was during those hours at work. Gone are the lazy days of Summer where I was my most efficient with my studies. Now, it's becoming really challenging to get as much work as I can done in the small window of time I have at the end of the night. There were days over the Summer where I could have easily gotten 5 or 6 hours in of work and been fine the next day at my job. Now, I'm lucky if I get in 2 or 3 solid hours.


A few days ago, I started Maximilian Schwarzmüller's React Native - A Practical Guide on Udemy. I've been making steady progress on this course every day and my skills with React Native are getting better and better. I struggled with the workflow and error handling the first couple of days, but have since figured out a way to combat these issues. I am running into something that I think a fix with my vsCode editor would solve. Right now, I have vsCode set to auto-save every 1 second after I stop typing. When it auto-saves and I haven't finished writing something, I end up hot-reloading React-Native in the simulators and producing a whole slew of errors. On several occasions, this has caused my simulators to lock up and stop working completely. When this happens, I have to quit the simulator and restart it, and sometimes I even have to quit out of the local server completely and restart that as well. This ends up costing a lot of time, and it can often cause some other problems. I can make a change to the code, go over to the simulator, and the code looks the same as it did before, as if the change didn't have any effect. With changes to the style, this can often lead to a lot confusion. I think it's time to change the auto-save settings so it only saves when I explicitly tell it to. Of course, I can always change this behavior for other projects outside of React-Native, but I know this is going to create some unforeseen circumstances, such as forgetting to save, since I've relied on this auto-save feature for so long.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019