Chugging Along

July 29th, 2019

Keeping the mo-mo going

This is the 14th day that I've recorded a blog entry in a row! It's now become part of my daily routine to just set aside about a half an hour every night to compose this quick post. The process of putting my daily efforts, goals, struggles, and everything else in writing has helped me to sort through all of the information that I'm loading myself down with. It can definitely get overwhelming when you start learning web development; it seems that the further you go down the rabbit hole, the deeper it gets. I think you could spend a lifetime trying to learn everything there is to know in this subject area, and there would still be a lot left over. As soon as you learn everything, it would all be replaced by new concepts and ideas anyways. It's an ever-evolving industry that thrives on change; this is one of the main selling points for me: no stagnation. Every day presents new challenges!

Today I focused again strictly on Colt Steele's The Modern React Bootcamp on Last night, I finished a behemoth of a project that had us fix up a Yahtzee app(it was already pre-built with bugs), and now I've moved on to lifecycle methods. I finished Section 17, which was lecture section regarding lifecycle methods, and then applied that knowledge to a random card generator app in Section 18. I was able to create the demo pretty easily and got a quick deploy to Netlify. I really enjoy working with APIs and learning to manipulate the data, so I'm going to do a deep dive on this topic as soon as I can fit the time in for this. I know in the Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp, which I already committed to doubling back on at some point, has some extensive sections on working with AJAX calls and API requests. Some of those sections were with React, some were just strictly JavaScript, both I think would prove very useful. I've already built a couple apps using this process through YouTube builds, so I'm becoming more and more confident in the flow.

I've definitely got the momentum going with this course, as I approach 50% completion after only 8 days. I've cruised through this course, and I think it has everything to do with the instructor. I can't say enough about Colt's style of teaching; it's actually captivating. Often, I get excited and look ahead to see what the next adventure might be. That said, my next section is another project using APIs and lifecycle methods, this time calling cheesy jokes and doing something or another with them; I haven't gotten far enough to know what the end result is yet. I'm trying to get this section and possibly the next done tonight, but it's already 10:40. I don't have to work until 10 tomorrow, so I'm going to attempt to let the mo-mo take control. Guide me, mo-mo!

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019