Projects Getting Done
I have two projects going on at work right now, and both of them are getting to the end of their lifecycle. One of the projects, the virtual appointment form, is being handled by my cohort at this point. He started off by making some styling changes and then moved on to bringing in a validation package to handle the validation a little better. We are supposed to have it in presentable form for tomorrow, and I think we are going to be ok with that. However, we also wanted to have it to the point where we could deploy it tomorrow, and I don't think that is going to happen. I work at a different pace than my cohort. I'm not saying my pace is better than his; we're just different. I have more of a sense of urgency when I work and really don't like not having anything to do. He, on the other hand, works at a much slower pace. This gives him more time to be meticulous, but sometimes it feels like we should have already been done with a project when it's in his hands. But, regardless, it seems like that's totally acceptable to the management, and they appreciate his work. He is really good at what he does, and I'm learning a lot. I'm definitely not knocking how he goes about his business. I just feel like I'm waiting on him a lot when I run out of things to do. Regardless, I think his style meshes well with mine, since he picks up on details I may overlook and I can crank out a bunch of work quickly when it needs to be done.
So, while he's been working on this project, I've been hard at work creating a bank account payment system for the payment system I had been working on a couple weeks ago. Right now, I'm in the process of pulling in bank names from an API based off the routing number and displaying that on a CSS image of a check. I would really like to pull in the logo of the bank as well to display that next to the name, but legally we aren't able to do that. So, I pulled in an icon from FontAwesome that looks like an important building and have that displayed next to the bank name. Overall, it looks really good. I've thought about putting it up on Codepen for other people to use, but we'll see. Otherwise, I spent most of the day today rerouting things in the app. I didn't want to make too many changes to the main branch, so I created a second branch on Github and started making some serious changes. This turned out to be a much more extensive project than I thought it would be. Since it's a different payment source, I had to change the context of the entire app. This normally wouldn't be a big deal, but there were a lot of pieces of code that relied on that type of information coming in, and now it's optional. For example, since that was really confusing, there are buttons that only show up if there's a card number provided. If the card number is now optional, TypeScript rightfully throws a fit. So, I had to throw up type guards all over the place.
I then had to create new routes to go all over the app and to the appropriate places. On the review information step, the user has the option to go back and change their address or payment information. Now, if they go back to their address, the next step is to go to the payment information. Before, this would just take them to their credit card information, but now there are 2 options. But, at this point, they've already committed to one of the two options. So, I checked to see if a card number existed or a routing number, and routed to the respective page depending on the situation. I also want to add an option at the end for them to change the way they pay. So, if they went through the whole process and chose to pay with a credit card, but then decide they want to pay with their bank account, they could navigate back to that point. The only problem with this is then they could potentially have both a card number and a routing number, which would cause all kinds of problems. So, I created a system at the point where they choose their payment type that would delete all of their payment information. This handles the problem pretty well. Otherwise, I also implemented a cool little animation for all the buttons in the site that I picked up from the CSS course I'm taking.
Until tomorrow!