Data Input Day

November 5th, 2019

Never been more fun

I've gotten a lot accomplished so far on my portfolio since I started it 3 days ago. Of the 6 pages that make up my portfolio, I have 4 of them functioning pretty well, 3 of which I'm down to just inputting the data that I need for them and some final refactoring to clean them up. I've separated all of my data into separate JavaScript files and I'm mapping over these arrays to create different components, but I could definitely break these components down into separate files to make them more readable eventually. None of them are particularly large at this point, but it would be a good exercise to practice passing props. I spent a solid hour and a half writing the data for my projects page before I went to work this morning and now have about 20 of my projects in there looking pretty good. I created a separate component for 2 buttons in my card for each project, one for the source code, and one linking to the live site.

One thing I did that I thought was pretty cool was to give each card a unique accent color that corresponds with the thumbnail of the screenshot from the live site. The button for the live site changes color to reflect this accent for each card, and it ended really popping to have each card look so unique instead of having 20 cards that look exactly the same. I also changed some of the styling on the skills and coursework pages so the cards flow a little bit better and are more responsive. I had everything wrapped in a grid on these pages, with individual grid columns holding different amounts of cards given the size of the screen, but I changed it to be a card group instead of a grid and Semantic UI magically fixed my problems. While Semantic UI doesn't have a ton of advanced features, they have quite a few features that are really awesome and are really easy to implement. They also end up being a lot more readable than if you were to use Bootstrap, which is not semantic at all in the way they define their components.

After getting the baby situated for the night and making her lunch for tomorrow, I tackled some katas on CodeWars. Up until today, I've been working through the easiest level of katas, but I decided to give the next level a try. Instead of finishing 10 or 15 in an hour, I was only able to finish 4, but I was able to do them, nonetheless. As you progress through the levels, the problems obviously get a lot more involved and take a lot more time to work through, but I was really proud of myself for being able to complete these problems. I don't think I will spend any more time working on these tonight as I really want to get back to work on my portfolio. I have a little more data to input for my projects page, as well as my coursework and skills page, and then I want to see if I can tackle the contact page. I'll leave the about page for last, since I think this is going to be a really important aspect and will likely be the most difficult to implement. At some point, I also have to go back and work on my homepage, since it's lacking in content at the moment. There's a lot to do, but I think I can complete this portfolio by the end of the week and get it in front of some potential employers by next week.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019