Day 2 on the Blog

July 17th, 2019

I created a Vue App with a Leaflet Map! It's stupid and I love it!

This is day 2 of my blog tracking my progress in learning web development and becoming a professional web developer. After completing the setup for this blog, I started researching my next project to implement. I wanted to use something with Vue again; this blog was my first experience with Vue, and I liked it. I also wanted to learn more about consuming APIs so I scoured YouTube for tutorials and eventually found some interesting pieces on LeafletJS, which is a really cool framework for using OpenStreetMaps(an open-source version of Google Maps). It was a fairly quick tutorial, but I had some serious issues that I had to overcome.

I ended up deploying on Netlify for the first time and it was incredible. Seriously, the easiest deploy I've had so far. This was after trying to deploy to Github-Pages unsuccessfully multiple times and reverting my git repository back to the state before I started trying to implement different deploy techniques with no luck.

I spent most of the day today at work. At my golf course, once a month we have a big tournament for all of the men and their guests; it's a lot of fun and drinking, but today we had a long rain delay, which prolonged the fun and drinking to an unreasonable time. I didn't get out of there until 8:00, and I wasn't able to start getting any work done until 9.

Our babysitter's son called to tell us that she is in the hospital with a bout of high blood pressure, so unfortunately I had to have someone switch shifts with me for Tuesday so that I could watch little Kaija. I was very lucky to be able to get in touch with Jack up at work at 10:15 tonight to have him cover my 6 am shift tomorrow. So, with that in mind, I now have some more time to study and get better as a developer. After finishing this post, I'll start with some good old YouTube research to see if I can find any more worthwhile projects with either LeafletJS or Vue. I would also be interested in exploring some other libraries and frameworks with some fun tutorials I can struggle through, so I'll see what I can find!

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019