The ToDo Beast

July 20th, 2019

Struggles in Tutorial World

After my post yesterday, I piddled around YouTube to see what was going to get me excited. I had talked about doing a ToDo app in the last post, so I decided to bite the bullet and get to it. This project builds a ToDo List, which I know is the most common project on the planet but it checks a lot of boxes for me, with AdonisJS as a backend framework and Vue as a frontend framework. The project also uses uses Vuetify for styling and Vuex for routing. The video is just shy of 4 hours long, which I thought might be a bit challenging at the get-go. It has turned into an absolute beast, but I'm loving it! It's taken me a solid 8 or 9 hours to get the first 2 hours and 21 minutes in, solidifying the backend completely and almost completing the routing on the frontend. Obviously, there's still a lot of content to get on there, but there is some serious functionality to the site. It has a working registration system and will eventually have an area for projects, with each project having a series of to-dos that would pop up in another area. It's pretty complex, so I'm taking my time with it.

I've never used AdonisJS before; it's similar to ExpressJS in a lot of ways, but the setup was incredibly simple with a lot of really cool CLI tricks you can implement that will automatically produce the appropriate sheets you want to create. I'm just scratching the surface on Adonis; it could prove to be a very useful tool for building backends in a pretty simple fashion. I'm looking forward to possibly in the future revisiting it with more focus. For now, the frontend is much more compelling to me, and learning Vue and React seem like more of the imperative. I love Vuetify so far; it looks awesome and it's just as easy to use as Bootstrap, maybe not as easy as Semantic UI.

I'm having some issues with the deployment of my blog on Netlify. For whatever reason, the pre-rendered content is not coming up at all anymore. At some point, I think the deployment may have gotten goofed up, but for now, I've defaulted back to Github Pages to host the blog. It takes a couple more steps to deploy, but it works just the same. Eventually, I hope I can find out what's going on with it. My guess is that I will migrate this blog to an updated version anyways, offering a clean slate to wipe this bad boy clean. Another issue I came across today during my ToDo List marathon was that when I went to hit the register button for the first connection between the front and the backend, I got a 500 error. It only took me about an hour and half to solve, turns out I missed a parentheses, but after reviewing the source code, I was able to pinpoint the issue. This also forced me to dissect the code and understand it better than I did before. I truly believe that encountering bugs is one of the best way to learn, especially when doing these types of tutorials.

I have my eyes on a few more Vue tutorials after this. I think while it's fresh in my head, I should continue exploring it and creating more and more things. I definitely want to master React, too, but I think I've decided that I will know both of them as well as I can. They are both incredibly popular, with Vue's popularity skyrocketing of late, so I don't think this will be a bad thing. My only concern is getting ideas confused between different frameworks, but I think I should be ok. Beyond tutorial life, I'm still having a hard time with Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp. I skipped ahead to the D3 section because I just didn't want to lose interest in the class completely, but YouTube came calling. I had to make something.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019