A New Leaf

July 22nd, 2019

After taking the "L"

Admittedly, I got in over my head on an extensive to do list project using Vue and Adonis as a backend. It was fun, I enjoyed the build, and I was nearly there. I hit a wall and don't seem to be able to get past it on that. On top of that, I've felt completely unmotivated to touch the Advanced Web Development Bootcamp since I started it, and have pretty much muddled through it since getting to the javascript sections. All of this was signifying that it was time to make some changes to my approach.

I started with one more easy project to get the momentum going again. I was able to successfully create a weather searching app using React, Bootstrap, and a weather API called OpenWeatherMap. It was a fairly easy project, but I really liked the way the guy put it together. He was careful to go line by line and explain the reasoning behind the syntax and the way that components fit together. I was really impressed, however I wasn't able to find really any more material from this gentleman. I'm sure he's out making real money now somewhere.

I had an issue with the deploy because my API address was using http instead of https, but I thought it was because of Netlify, so I did a little digging on other ways to deploy create-react-apps and found Now. Now is a fantastic tool with a great CLI just like Netlify has. I think it's just as easy to deploy from here as it is with Netlify, and it looks like it may be better for more complex projects with different middleware and frameworks. Once I fixed the real issue, my deploy to Netlify worked just fine, but it was definitely cool to find out about a new tool.

After I finished messing around with the deploy, I checked Udemy to find that, of course, they had a sale going on. They always have a sale going on. So, I went ahead and grabbed Colt Steele's Modern React Bootcamp. This one is specifically taught by Colt Steele, so I'm holding out hope that it exceeds my expectations set from the first course that I took of his. I was able to knock out the first 3 sections of this fairly quickly. It seems to be holding my attention much better than his Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp did.

I've decided that I need to spend some serious time sprucing up my Github profile, adding readmes, links to my live demos, tags, and descriptions at the top. I've amassed close to 10 solid projects now that I can continue to improve over the next few months, and if I finish this bootcamp, I'll have roughly the same amount to add to that collection. I believe these are very valuable when it comes down to getting a job, but I don't have a job in the industry, so what do I know? Seriously, I think this shows that you have worked with the tools, technologies, and languages that are going to be used on the job. Since I don't have a Comp Sci degree or previous experience, then this is one of my most valuable assets.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019