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August 4th, 2019

Troubles in Virtual Machine Land

Today, I had the day off and was able to make use of my time fairly well, given I have a 13 month old running around. If I don't watch her constantly, inevitably she will find something that she's not supposed to get into. She's smart and fast, a scary combination for a little one like her! Nevertheless, I had a great day hanging out with her; we spent a good portion of the day out shopping, and the rest of it dancing to some 80's tunes. She's a goofball, just like her dad.

Intermittently, I was able to work on the Massive Color Project in Colt Steele's "The Modern React Bootcamp" on Udemy.com. Last night, I said I was going to try to bang out the 4th section, but I only lasted another 30 minutes or so after writing my post before my vision blurred for the night. Actually, that section ended up taking the majority of today to finish. I'm now finishing up the 5th section, leaving 3 to go(I initially said there were 7 sections but didn't realize there was another section attached to this project, making it 8 total). This is a behemoth of a project, but I really haven't had too many show-stopping errors that exponentially increase build time. So far, it's turned out to be a really cool project and I've already learned a ton. Just the repetition alone of going through all of the steps is so important for me right now. I want to be able to build things like this without the aid of a guide, and the only way I'm going to do that is to continue going through these tutorials until React is just second nature. At this point, I would have a really difficult time starting a project from scratch; that seems incredibly daunting. Given that I've only been coding for a little over 2 months, I'm very satisfied with my progress. I didn't even know what React was when I started, and a project like this would have been insanity.

When I started my create-react-app yesterday for the color project, I ran into an issue on my Virtual Machine running Ubuntu; I'm out of space! I'm no computer science major, although I do plan on learning as much as I can in the future about the inner workings of computers, so reading through the articles and tutorials to try and add space to my drive was like reading french. Eventually, I decided to just take my time and go step-by-step through the process of adding a second dynamically allocated hard drive onto my virtual machine. I had a couple of hiccups, but was able to get it done. I started out with 20 GB initially and just added another 30 GB, so that should help for a little while. I really don't have much more space on my 250 GB available on my laptop, so at some point, I'm going to have to start making more room or consider getting a better computer suited for the job(READ: APPLE). I think I could make this computer work for me, though; it's just a matter of finding the space. It won't be something I have to worry about for a while, though, since I now have that extra space. Given how fast I went through that first 20 GB, it may come sooner than expected.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019