Getting Social

August 12th, 2019
getting social

Making attempts at connection

In the last few days, apart from studying like crazy, I've been trying to stretch outside of my comfort zones when it comes to social media and inserting myself into communities. Luckily, web development is a great space to do this, and I've found it pretty easy so far to at least get started in this respect. I've replied to some tweets, mostly just trying to cash in one-liners for a connect, and I've retweeted a couple of things. I've also reached out to a couple of people on the discord server for Andrei Neagoie's classes, and have found a couple of guys that are willing to partner up for the remainder of the course. One of the guys would like to do pair programming, creating a similar site to what we are creating in class; I really hope he's serious about this because this would be awesome! We'll see how it goes.

In just a few minutes, I'm joining a 45 minute conference call with the CEO of Career Karma, a site that helps connect mentors and mentees in the web development world. They have a 21 day challenge to help you meet other people in the community and it seems like a pretty active place. My challenge today was to reach out to a few people in the community to try to make some connections, and I did, but nobody even replied! Oh well.

Beyond this social stuff, I'm working diligently on the "Complete React Developer in 2019" course by Andrei Neagoie, and I've now completed the first 4 sections. The 3rd section was a comprehensive, 4 hour marathon covering the basics of React. It culminated in a simple little project that's goofy, but fun. Section 4 dives right into the final E-Commerce website and we've already created the homepage. The project spans 27 sections, so there's a ton to do still. This project uses so many cutting-edge technologies like GraphQL, Firebase, and the Stripe API that I think I'm going to walk away from this course with a pretty good understanding of a lot of really important topics. There's still much to be seen, but I really like this course, so far.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019