Light Duties

June 23rd, 2020

Lack of Work

Well, I get a short week at work, and I'm really looking forward to the long weekend. It's my daughter's second birthday on Friday, and I decided to take the day off to enjoy it with her and my family. I actually get 2 long weekends in a row, with the Fourth of July falling on Saturday of next week, giving me Friday off. I'm a little low on sleep these days, so I kind of need an extra couple days off. My sleep schedule has been getting thrown off a bit lately, and I need to get back on track. I broke my leg back in November of last year, and once I recovered, we were thrown into this pandemic. Because of these circumstances, I've gained a few pounds and need to get my diet back on track. I'm trying intermittent fasting, and I've been on the diet for a little over 2 weeks now, and it's been going pretty well. When I quit drinking about 10 years ago, I would have dreams where I was drinking a beer and would feel bad about it, waking up feeling like I relapsed until I realized it was just a dream. Those dreams are long gone, but in the last couple of weeks, I've had dreams where I was getting a midnight snack and breaking my fast. It's kind of funny, but shows how much of an addiction eating can become.


In my job, I follow the lead of my cohort, and stay inside the boundaries he creates for me. Especially in this project, this is his baby and I'm just on board to help out. I don't want to create anything that is outside of his vision, and it would be futile to do so. I've gone off on my own tangents a couple times, and every time I get reined back in pretty quickly. This leads to frustration and a waste of time, so I've learned my lesson. That being said, if he gets going on a certain task, he can lose track of being the senior developer role he has been hoisted into. He builds all of our mockups on Framer, and right now, I have all of these mockups written out. I spent the first half of the day working on the ones I hadn't done yet and fixing up the ones I had already started. Theres still a ton of functionality we have to build into these screens, but there's really not much we can do until we get the APIs to work with. There are certain people that don't have a problem with not having any work; that's not me. I would prefer to have more work than I can handle than not having enough. If I could go off on my own, this wouldn't be a problem, but given our current dynamic, this isn't much of an option.


In my home studies, I'm still sitting in kind of an in-between area. I'm usually busy taking some kind of course or working on a project, but I just finished up a project and the course I've started doesn't really have me that excited to work on it. The course I started is on MySQL, and it's just not as interesting as I thought it would be. SQL is ranked as a top 10 language preferred by programmers, so I'm sure it gets more interesting. For me, I would just much rather work on the frontend than create databases. I think I need to give it another try, but in the meantime, I have something to keep me busy. I started redesigning this blog page, and I'm getting somewhere. I'm taking a lot of the Material UI components out of the blog, but still holding on to some of them. For example, Material UI manages the navigation drawer pretty well, and it would be more work than it's worth to recreate it. I'm still changing the style of the drawer and navigation bar at the top, but I'm not getting rid of the underlying component. For the most part, I had components layered on top of components, and I just want to simplify it. At the time, I thought this looked cool, but the more I look at it, the more I hate it. I'm also changing the style on the images to make them a little smaller and I'm going to be changing the overall layout. Hopefully, it ends up being an improvement.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019