
July 28th, 2019

Got the "momo" going...

I've made some pretty good progress today in Colt Steele's The Modern React Bootcamp. I'm now up to 33% completion, which is fantastic for being a week into the course. I should have the rest of the course done in 2 more weeks at this pace, which means I should know a hell of a lot more than I do now in 2 weeks time. Today's sections were all about forms in React. I finished section 13 last night, which introduced forms, and was really the lecture portion of the forms topic. Section 14 and 15 were project-based, so I created a basic form that asked for input of dimensions and color of a box, and would output said box in section 14. In section 15, I created a todo list with the possibility of editing or deleting items on that list, but no persistent database, sadly. Nonetheless, I easily deployed both projects, now that I have my workflow down in using Netlify.

Tonight, I hope to keep chugging along in the bootcamp, tackling a 2 hour section next that builds the game Yahtzee. Unfortunately, this project is not from scratch, so I won't be given the satisfaction of completion, nor could I use this as a displayable project on Github. After that comes React Lifecycle Methods, which will be brand new material for me, a topic I have yet to broach. I have excellent momentum right now in my studies and feel that I made the correct decision in switching to this bootcamp. I will, however, be coming back to the Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp at some point in the near future, and hopefully I'll have a better grasp of the topics so I can keep up.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019