More React Router

August 1st, 2019

On the cusp of the final project

After a long day working outside, I was able to hit the books at about 7:30 tonight and get a solid 2 and a half hours of uninterrupted studying in. Again, I'm strictly sticking with The Modern React Bootcamp, by Colt Steele, on I want to be fully immersed in the world of React. I want to be thinking in terms of components constantly, so that when I'm finally ready, I can take the training wheels off and make something legitimately on my own. I could definitely make a rudimentary app now with React, and even use client-side routing with some degree of comfort, but from there I'm afraid I'm just not able to wrap my head around an entire project yet. While React does simplify the process immensely as compared to writing something in vanilla JS, there are a million nuances, unique syntax issues, and structure issues that I would feel completely lost without somebody guiding me through it. This means that after this class, I plan on following up with another, equally lengthy course on React by another teacher. Learning all of these concepts twice and practicing them with projects from another teacher will surely help me solidify everything.

I was able to complete 1 and a half sections today in the Bootcamp. Section 22 dealts with router design patterns in React, and I thought the ideas in this section were explained really well. He made me feel comfortable with these concepts almost immediately, even though I know I still have a lot to learn in this department. Section 23 is project-based, which puts our new-found knowledge on React-Router to the test creating a list of dogs with separate bio pages that you could navigate to. This project also implements Bootstrap, which I always enjoy working with. I would finish this project tonight if I had any more energy left, but I'm completely tapped out.

As of 10:30 tonight, I'm heading to bed early to hopefully catch up on a little rest. I'm in the middle of a stretch of 6 days in a row of working at the golf course, with 2 more days left in the week before a 3 day weekend. It's always so tough to study during the week when I'm working because I really have to cut into my sleep time to be able to fully take advantage of my allotted time. So far, I'm surviving on less sleep, but I think eventually, the quality of my work will really drop off if I don't start catching back up on some zzz's. Tomorrow, I plan to finish this little dog list project and then move on to massive final project of this bootcamp, which I'm really excited to get started on. For now, I'm off to Lala-land to at least get 6 hours of sleep!

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019