Short on Time

October 10th, 2019

Too much work...

Unfortunately, my job had to take precedence today as we prepared for a large tournament we are hosting this weekend. Today, most of the players from the tournament came out to play a practice round, and it was my day to work outside. I don't think I've ever worked harder in a day than I did today. From 6 AM until 8 PM, I had a litany of tasks to complete and still fell short of all that I could have done to set up my co-workers for tomorrow. Of course, they understand there is only so much one person can do and will get the rest done in the morning, but I still wish I could have helped them more than I did. By 8, I was at my limit for productivity and couldn't go any further. This was a draining day, both mentally and physically. By the time I got home and took a shower, it was already close to 9, and well past time to start working on my coding life.

Since my cognitive capacity tonight is low and because I still need a breather from the full-on assault I've launched on JavaScript, I decided to continue through freeCodeCamp's Frontend Libraries certification. I really enjoy this section, so far; it's given me a nice introduction to both jQuery and Sass, and I'm now working through the React section, with ease. Since I've worked so much on React in the past, this section is serving as a great review for the concepts I've already covered in 3 different courses, but I'm still learning things I had glossed over the first time. A lot of the concepts covered are handled instinctively by Create-React-App, like ReactDOM.render(), and I now feel that I truly understand what this is doing instead of just allowing CRA to do it for me.

Since I'm limited on time and want to get the most out of my short night as I can, I'll keep this post concise tonight. I will say that I was directed towards a site called CodeWars last night, which I had previously explored early on in my journey. After lamenting yesterday about my trials and tribulations in the world of JavaScript, someone I consider a mentor suggested I could get some real use out of this site, especially since I was finding some benefit from freeCodeCamp's curriculum on JavaScript. This site holds a seemingly limitless amount of practice exercises in a variety of languages of varying difficulties. For me, this is exactly what I'm looking for; I need more exercises to practice the concepts I'm learning so they truly get ingrained. I've been taught these concepts by multiple instructors, now it's time to do my homework. Also, this site turns these exercises into a sort of competition, which could definitely add an addictive quality to the process. I think that's always useful to help motivate a person like me to try and complete more exercises and advance through the levels, like you would in a game. I'm holding off on getting started on this, but it's definitely on the horizon and I'll likely give it a whirl either tomorrow or the next day.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019