Test of Fortitude

October 1st, 2019

Making it through the week unscathed

This week is going to be difficult. I finished my 3rd of 6 days in a row, working shifts, other than yesterday, exceeding 10 hours each. We have an excellent staff of 5 golf professionals, including myself, at the country club I work. Most of the time, this allows us to work a very flexible schedule. For example, my fiancé works Monday through Saturday currently at her job, which makes getting proper coverage for daycare for our 15 month old daughter a real challenge. Our daycare center is only open Monday through Friday, so it's not possible for me to work on Saturdays unless we found a suitable babysitter to cover that day. Furthermore, the price of daycare is not cheap and increases dramatically depending on how many days in a week she is enrolled. If we enroll her 5 days of the week instead of 3, the price goes up by $100. We're not rich people, so this isn't really an option. So, I've managed to have most Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays off, working long days on the other 4 to ensure full time employment and a healthy check. This week, though, 2 of our guys have gone on vacation, leaving me and the other 2 professionals to pick up the slack. To be able to get Saturday, I'm working every day this week from open to close, with 2 shifts, including today, outside for close to 13 hours each. I got home today at 7:30 and went straight to studying after preparing my daughter's lunch tomorrow and washing the stink of the day off.

With that said, I have very little time and even less energy to code. This is going to be a true test of my grit to get through these next 3 days. It's Tuesday today and I worked 13 hours. I'm back at work tomorrow at 7 AM and work until 5:30 PM, then I work 6 AM until about 7 PM again on Thursday, and finally I work another 7-5:30 shift on Friday. My eyes are drooping even now, and I still have a long way to go in the week. #100DaysOfCode requires at least an hour of work every day, and I've committed myself to completing a blog entry every day, as well. If I can get through this week, everything else will seem easy. However, this is just the beginning of our season. This week is particularly difficult because of being short-staffed, but there will be other difficult stretches when we are hosting multi-day tournaments or multiple tournaments in a week. I was really trying to get hired on somewhere before the season started, but I think this was an unattainable goal from the start. The battle will be uphill from here, but I can overcome.

I spent quite a bit of time last night and the majority of my limited time tonight on Will Sentance's "JavaScript: The Hard Parts" and am now in hour 4 of the 8 hour course. This is the second day of his live workshop, in which we move past the tenets of functional programming and explore asynchronous JavaScript and Object Oriented Programming. In fact, I'm almost done with the asynchronous JavaScript section and am looking forward to starting the next section on OOP. The way he is explaining these concepts is so succinct, so complete, that it feels like these very difficult concepts become seemingly trivial. He goes into great depth as to what is actually happening, line by line of the code, with very simple coding examples. There are a lot of moving parts even to these simple examples when you break them down into their rudimentary components, but without this full understanding, I wasn't really getting these concepts. Honestly, he's an unbelievable teacher. I looked into his highly-regarded bootcamp last night because I really trust in what he does, but I don't think that's a realistic option for me. Onwards I go through the trials and tribulations of the self-taught route.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019