
February 12th, 2020

I Got Nothing

I've been progressively getting sicker every day for the last 4 or 5 days now, and today's no different. I slept terribly because I couldn't breathe and felt brain dead all day. I spent the first half of the day muddling through work, which was not an easy task. At 7:45 AM, I had to teach a lesson, and I'm not even sure how I made it through that hour; I was so drained and my voice was so scratchy, I could barely talk. Luckily, we had enough coverage at work so I could leave early and I was able to get off at about 12:30, which made a huge difference. As it says in the title, I was pretty useless anyways, and I'm sure they didn't want me around to get everyone sick anyways. I made my home and tried to crash, but I had drank so much caffeine to make it through the shift, I couldn't sleep. At least I was able to lie down for a couple hours and relax, but when I got up, I found that the cold had moved into my chest and now I had a nice cough to back up the runny nose, congestion, and fever.


When I was a little kid, I got whooping cough, which, in some asian language, is called the 100-day cough. Literally, for over 100 days, you cough uncontrollably all day and all night, and it seems to never end. Ever since then, whenever I get a bad cold, my cough is about 10 times worse than it should be. I think I suffered some long-term damage. My fiancé is just getting over the cold, and she was sick for about a week and a half, so I think I have a long road ahead of me. I'm taking a lot of medicine and resting as much as I can, but I have a 10 and a half hour shift tomorrow that I'm afraid is going to completely do me in. If I can make it through that shift, I have 2 days off to recover, so I should be ok; it's just a matter of making it through tomorrow. I started studying a little earlier than usual tonight and kept it to about an hour and a half so I could just go straight to bed. I'm not quite as congested as I was last night, so hopefully I'll be able to sleep a little better. Some good nighttime medicine might help, but I'm afraid I will be completely useless tomorrow if I take that, so I just took some non-drowsy stuff. I hate to go on about how sorry I feel for myself; it's just a cold and I'll get over it. I'm hoping a good night's sleep will cure this cold, so I'm calling it early tonight.


For my limited studies tonight, I continued on with Andrew Mead's The Modern GraphQL Bootcamp on Udemy, which I'm absolutely loving so far. Andrew really excels in teaching, and I think he's found his true calling in life. He's very clear in how he explains concepts and takes the time to go into as much detail as is needed. What makes this course stand out from others is the constant knowledge checks he puts into the course. He will show how to write a certain type of code, like creating a mutation in GraphQL, and then he has us do it for something similar on our own. In this course, we are creating the setup for a blog, where you have multiple users, posts, and comments. These are all set up as arrays of objects initially, but we are now on to the part where we are creating new users, posts, and comments, updating them, and deleting them using mutations. So, for example, he showed us how to create a new user and a new post, and then asked us to do the same for a comment, with a detailed step-by-step. It's just challenging enough to give us those much-needed blocks that are so important to the learning process, without being so difficult he loses his audience. We got all the mutations set up for creating yesterday, and so today we learned how to delete users, posts and comments. He also showed us how to create an input type to put in the information that needs to be mutated and then transfer that into the mutation. I've taken GraphQL courses before, but never went into great depth. I'm understanding this information on a much deeper level than I did when I first took those courses, and I'm really curious about his other courses. He has some nice ones that I think could be hugely beneficial for me. I'm totally bought into his method of teaching, and will definitely be checking those out next.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019