Weekend Achieved

October 4th, 2019
Weekend Achieved

What a week...

As I write this, I'm trying to wake up from already falling asleep once while studying. This week has completely done me in; I don't recommend anyone working 65 hours in a matter of 6 days, although I'm sure many of you have to do this regularly. I've now reached my weekend and I'm hoping to get some serious family time in, while taking advantage of the extra time to study. I've barely seen my 15 month old daughter and fiancé this week, so I plan to catch up with them and get some serious hugs and kisses in. Trying to find balance in life right now is nearly impossible, with as many balls as there are in the air, but hopefully that will all change soon. Once I land my first job in web development, my schedule should become much more manageable.

Today, my focus is back on Kyle Simpson's "Deep JavaScript Foundations" on Frontend Masters. As I detailed yesterday, this course is well beyond my current grasp of the subject, but I'm trying to take as much as I can from it and not get discouraged by the amount I don't understand. This is a course that is meant to be revisited at different stages of understanding. There are things I can take away from it now, and I definitely have learned picked up some tidbits along the way, but when I have a fuller understanding of the language, this course will have even more value. Kyle is very opinionated about the language, in general. He has a very specific set of ideas about rules and usage of different aspects that he believes to be true over others. For senior developers, these may seem controversial, but for a novice like myself, I'm treating them as gospel. I think if I can get these ideas solidified early on, it should make my life with JavaScript more understandable in general.

On Twitter, the #100DaysOfCode challenge has served as an incredible motivator in ways I never expected it to be. I thought the best part about this challenge would be to hold myself accountable to studying every day, when in fact this is something I would do regardless. In fact, writing this blog already holds me accountable to daily studying habits. Actually, beyond even that, the passion I have for web development drives me to study every day and well into the night. The real benefit to #100DaysOfCode, if taken seriously, is the community. I'm organically creating relationships with people all over the world where in some I'm serving as a conveyer of advice, and others where I'm getting very valuable advice. These people serve as my support system while I serve as theirs. Here, you have a group of people that crave personal growth in the same area of expertise. It's really an uplifting community, and I'm going to spend a lot of time going forward making it better in any way I can.

Until tomorrow!

Created by Sam Thoyre, © 2019